Suspension - Dangers to consider when altering ride height
The crux of the problem is the suggestion that fitting Hi-Los (or some such) will afford you the convenience of winching the ride height up when carrying a larger than normal load
I have been fielding a lot of questions re raising and lowering Minis, mainly from our foreign brethren. The increase in exported Minis to farther shores has revitalized interest in our precious Mini, indeed some new owners have rarely seen one of them and are delighted by it's 'cutesy' character, unbelievable road-holding and the discovery of the plethora of (relatively) cheap, readily available spares and accessories.
One of the first 'tuning tweaks' applied is dumping the car in the weeds. The Internet has also played its part in increasing interest in the Mini. It also provides near-direct links from the beginner ('newbie') or first time owner with those who have extensive knowledge and experience in dealing with our favourite little car.