Fitted from late 1992 and on all MPI cars 1996 on it has an extra lip to give a neater seal line to help quieten down windscreen/panel vibration noise on the "drive by" homologation tests.
Also designed to help stop windscreens from leaking this seal does hold water under the extra lip causing rust on the windscreen scuttle/bodywork aperture if the rubber is perishing or going hard through weather exposure--to save rust problems many owners fit the earlier screen rubber-see
Fit rubber onto body first, then fit glass into rubber.
Our rubbers are best quality from UK supplier tried and tested over 20 years so beware of all the cheap rubbers available.
Although a difficult and non desirable job to encounter, all screen rubbers and seals should be checked and changed periodically depending on the activity or temperature exposures experienced, or how and where the vehicle is stored. When fitted it is 40mm wide and CZH1719MS is 28mm wide.